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Bootstrap Alerts


Bootstrap provides an easy way to create predefined alert messages:

× Success! This alert box indicates a successful or positive action.
× Info! This alert box indicates a neutral informative change or action.
× Warning! This alert box indicates a warning that might need attention.
× Danger! This alert box indicates a dangerous or potentially negative action.

Alerts are created with the .alert class, followed by one of the four contextual classes .alert-success, .alert-info, .alert-warning or .alert-danger:


<div class="alert alert-success">
  <strong>Success!</strong> Indicates a successful or positive action.

<div class="alert alert-info">
  <strong>Info!</strong> Indicates a neutral informative change or action.

<div class="alert alert-warning">
  <strong>Warning!</strong> Indicates a warning that might need attention.

<div class="alert alert-danger">
  <strong>Danger!</strong> Indicates a dangerous or potentially negative action.
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Alert Links

Add the alert-link class to any links inside the alert box to create "matching colored links":

Success! You should read this message.
Info! You should read this message.
Warning! You should read this message.
Danger! You should read this message.


<div class="alert alert-success">
  <strong>Success!</strong> You should <a href="#" class="alert-link">read this message</a>.
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Closing Alerts

× Click on the "x" symbol to the right to close me.

To close the alert message, add a .alert-dismissible class to the alert container. Then add class="close" and data-dismiss="alert" to a link or a button element (when you click on this the alert box will disappear).


<div class="alert alert-success alert-dismissible">
  <a href="#" class="close" data-dismiss="alert" aria-label="close">&times;</a>
  <strong>Success!</strong> Indicates a successful or positive action.
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The aria-* attribute and &times; explanation

To help improve accessibility for people using screen readers, you should include the aria-label="close" attribute, when creating a close button.

&times; (×) is an HTML entity that is the preferred icon for close buttons, rather than the letter "x".
For a list of all HTML Entities, visit our HTML Entities Reference.

Animated Alerts

× Click on the "x" symbol to the right to close me. I will "fade" out.

The .fade and .in classes adds a fading effect when closing the alert message:


<div class="alert alert-danger fade in">
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Test Yourself With Exercises


Add a Bootstrap "alert" class to display the result of a successful action.

<div class="">

Start the Exercise

Complete Bootstrap Alert Reference

For a complete reference of all alert options, methods and events, go to our Bootstrap JS Alert Reference.